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The whole sex-symbol thing is part of what I do

"In school, nobody could pronounce my name. They just called me Rocky."

"The whole sex-symbol thing is part of what I do as an actress. It's a kind of character I play. It's part of me, but not the whole me."

"The most erogenous zone is the brain. It's all happening there. Otherwise, it's just body parts."

"I was a bigger-than-life persona before I was anyone in my own mind."

It is the 75th birthday today of a woman whose figure became world-famous long before her acting career (such as it is) was ever noted - Miss Raquel Welch.

Although most of her films could never be classed as "high art" she is, nevertheless, a true survivor - more than 50 years in the business and still working, which is more than can be said of many a "sex kitten" of her generation. And, thankfully, she has not had the kind of plastic surgery that makes so many former beauties look like burns victims...

Here she is in her full sassy heyday, giving that male "sex symbol" Mr Tom Jones a run for his money in this medley of Rip It Up, Slippin n' Slidin', Lucille, Tutti Frutti, Jenny Jenny and Long Tall Sally:


Many happy returns, Raquel Welch (born Jo Raquel Tejada, 5th September 1940)

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