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Moyou Nails Fashion

XL Stamping Plates 

Last day of  school tomorrow and a half day at that! I'm so glad I'll be able to stay in bed a bit longer, might help me feel better quicker.
So my last XL rectangular stamping plate from 
This plate is jam packed of smaller stamping images from horses to owls, glasses, top hats and moustaches and some pretty origami designs.
The detail in every image is so minute and they each pick up and stamp beautifully.
My 3 different looks are so different, but I wish I felt well enough so be a bit more creative, so my apologies.
I stamped each of the owls many times in black over a taupe brown base.
A simple monochrome origami look.
Finally I wanted to try a Christmas inspired look and the kissing lips just made me think of mistletoe! So I attempted some freehand and added the lips, some red bows and the 'kiss me' is from Moyou Nails square plate Glam 413.
I hope you've enjoyed my posts on these newer stamping plates, and there are plenty more designs to see over on Moyou Nails Fashion website.
You can also find them on FacebookTwitter
and Instagram.
Stay safe and much love....

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