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"Good on ya, mate. You deserve a chocolate fish"*

Hoorah! Or as the Kiwis might say: "Good on ya mate!"

New Zealand has voted to keep its flag (complete with the good old Union Jack) with a 56.6% majority in favour.

To celebrate, here's a fantabulosa (and appropriate) song by Auckland's finest weirdo trend-setters Split Enz. It's their biggest (and only, here in the UK) hit, I Got You:

I got you
That's all I want
I won't forget
That's a whole lot
I don't go out
Not now that you're in
Sometimes we shout
But that's no problem

I don't know why sometimes I get frightened
You can see my eyes, you can tell that I'm not lying

Look at you
You're a pageant
You're everything
That I've imagined
But something's wrong
I feel uneasy
You show me
Tell me you're not teasing

I don't know why sometimes I get frightened
You can see my eyes, you can tell that I'm not lying

Split Enz on Wikipedia

[*"You deserve a chocolate fish" = A Kiwi phrase that means "a job well done".]

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