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Android N - What's New

Whats's new on Android N? We still don’t know what the final name will be. Could it be Android Nutella? You dont have to wait for Google I/O to get sneak peek at the next Android OS code name 'N' Google surprised a lot of people by dropping preview number one.

If you want to check out, you need to Pixel C, Nexus 9, or Nexus Player.

There is a lot of new improvements here, expect few more when the Beta comes out. Some features like multitasking, new notifications panel, others are much under the hood and theu are gonna help to improve the battery life.

But there some stuff that we tell you guys that look very appealing. The first one is the huge feature that Android had been missing in the stock Android for awhile and that is multi-window support side by side multi-tasking. Just tap the multi-tasking on the bottom right, drag the applications that you want to the side that you want depending whether using a tablet or a phone.

Another big new feature on Android N, now the new notifications drop-down menu Cards now look different, spanning the entire screen and emphasizing hero images and avatars for a more visual look. You’ll also notice that notifications are bundled; email, for example, can be bundled under a Gmail notification, which can then be expanded. You can also reply directly thanks to inline replies, making it easier to quickly respond to email and messages.

Settings also got a gigantic overhaul to the top. We have mixed feelings about this one here in the office; some of us like it, some of us don’t. I think it’s a nice addition, and doesn’t look too obtrusive. Of course, you can always access the entire quick settings pane, which still exists with another pull-down.

Next one that will make a lot of people pretty happy.... Night mode is back! Android previewed that it will be there but by the time Marshmallow shipped, it was gone. So it will on the new Android

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