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Taylor Swift Wears Joe Alwyn Neclace in Delicate Video

Taylor Swift Wears Joe Alwyn Neclace in Delicate Video. Keep releasing more music videos for Delicate. In the original music video for Delicate, Taylor highlights the struggles of being a mega celebrity.

In the video, Taylor walks around a fancy party but is seemingly invincible and does some pretty bizarre dance moves. Honestly though, that is exactly how we dance.

The video is clearly a commentary on stardom and fame even though it was an incredible video, it did not really seem to match up with the lovey dovey lyrics.

For some reason, Taylor release a second vertical video for the pop song. Just like the first ones, but a little strange.

It is incredible simple video shot in selfie style. She takes up the whole screen so the background is barely visible but you can tell that she is outside in the woods. Taylor mouths the lyrics but the whole thing is cute.

But then, if we took a closer look at the whole thing, a couple of moments really stood out.

For one, Taylor is wearing a necklace. But it is not just any necklace, it has a 'J' on it for Joe Alwyn. And there is a moment in the video where she points at the necklace further confirming that her new relationship inspired the lyrics.

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