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Sarah Jessica Parker
*25th March 1965
American actress, producer and model
Matthew Broderick (husband)
James Wilkie, Tabitha Hodge and Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick (children)

The Little Match Girl - The Little Match Girl
Square Pegs - Patty Greene
Footloose - Rusty
A Year in the Life - Kay Erickson
Honeymoon in Vegas - Betsy/Donna
Miami Rhapsody - Gwyn Marcus
Life Without Dick - Colleen Gibson
Sex and the City - Carrie Bradshaw
The Family Stone - Meredith Morton
Failure to Launch - Paula
Sex and the City (movie) - Carrie Bradshaw
Did You Hear About The Morgans? - Meryl Morgan
Sex and the City 2 (movie) - Carie Bradshaw
I don't know how she does it - Kate Reddy
Lovelace - Gloria Steinem

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