Uzo Aduba's winning streak is not over.
The Orange Is the New Black star had a strong year last year, bringing home a number of awards for her role as "Crazy Eyes" on the hit Netflix series, and it looks like this year may be her year, too.
Aduba won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama (this is the first year the show switched to drama from comedy), her second consecutive Emmy win, and she didn't even try to hold back the tears.
"I really just want to say thank you a thousand times. If I could say thank you a thousand times, it would not be enough to cover the amount of thanks I feel for you, Jenji Kohan. I love you so much," Aduba began.
"I thank you for putting belief back in my heart. Thanks for making the show, creating the platform. Thank you to our family at Netflix and Lionsgate. You are incredible. I love you so much for your kindness."
After a list of more thank-yous, the actress concluded with, "I love you guys and I'm so thankful to stand beside a set of artists who are so brilliant. I want to say thank you to our team, my team that I work guys are incredible and I love you mostly because you let me be me.
"And finally, I really just want to say thank you to my family who have stood beside me my entire life. My sister, Chi Chi, you are my very best friend. I am humbled to call myself your sister. I love you so much. Thank you to the academy. Thank you to our fellow actors. Just thank you very much. God bless you."
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