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Happy Birthday To Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry Today

That Nashville Sound would like to wish a happy 42nd birthday to Troy Gentry of the duo Montgomery Gentry today. Signed in 1999 to Columbia Records, the duo released its platinum-certified debut album Tattoos & Scars that year. They have since recorded five more studio albums: Carrying On (2001), My Town (2002), You Do Your Thing (2004), Some People Change (2006), and Back When I Knew It All (2008) as well as a Greatest Hits package. These albums have produced more than twenty chart singles for the duo on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts, including the Number One hits "If You Ever Stop Loving Me", "Something to Be Proud Of", "Lucky Man", "Back When I Knew It All" and "Roll with Me" as well as ten more Top Ten hits.

Celebrate his big day with a watch of his video for "Something To Be Proud Of" here...

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