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Tip Top : Party Dress Glitter

Hi guys, hope everyone is having a rocking week so far ! I'm getting a nasty cold, bleh !

Today I'm showing you another awesome glitter from Tip Top - This one is called Party Dress. It instantly lifted my mood ♥ This colour contains lightish pink and silver glitter . It applied so easily, I used two coats over black again , to bring out the sparkles in the glitter . And this look looks fantastic ! I love pairing glitter polish with a darker colour underneath to bring out the full potential off the glitter.

So enough blabbering about this awesome polish, let me show you some pics...

*With flash*

*With flash*
  This glitter polish is really awesome. Best part is, when you pair up a glitter like this, it doesn't take ages too take off in the end too :) This glitter polish has a really sparkly and "dressed up" feel to it, so perfect for a party or just to brighten up your day.

Tip Top Nail Chic colours retail at Clicks for R39,95 ♥

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